The chatbots disruption is unleashing a wide gamut of applications from healthcare assistance to transforming entire BPO industry build on customer support services. With the advances in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and TTS (Text to Speech), Chatbots have become more natural and replacing the need for humans for customer support in the first line.
Rubixe has developed a versatile Chatbot platform, which can be customized to the business of any industry in a matter of a few days, given that we have related chat data from the past chat history. It is proven that Chatbots have gained a better customer satisfaction as compared to human beings, with a fraction of cost. Interested? get in touch with us for a live demo.
ai4commerce is an artificial intelligence software residing in the e-commerce site, which calculates the probability of products purchased for website visitors and shows only products which have high buying probability. It is proven that this enhances sales by at least 20% over a period of time and, thus, is very effective in adding significant positive value to the business. This is a plug and play production in an e-commerce portal and has a wide feature pipeline.